Exploring The Mystery Of Putri Duyung Cottage Angker

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Putri Duyung Cottage Angker is a popular tourist destination located on the outskirts of Jakarta, Indonesia. This spooky and mysterious cottage has gained a lot of attention from locals and tourists alike due to its paranormal incidents and unexplained happenings.

History of Putri Duyung Cottage Angker

The cottage was built in the late 1800s and was owned by a wealthy Dutch family. It was later sold to an Indonesian family who converted it into a holiday home. However, the family soon abandoned the property as they claimed to have witnessed strange occurrences inside the cottage.

The Haunted Cottage

Putri Duyung Cottage Angker is said to be haunted by the ghost of a young girl who drowned in a nearby river. She is believed to be the daughter of the original Dutch owner and is often seen wandering around the property. Visitors have reported hearing her cries and laughter, even when no one is around.

The Ghostly Activities

There have been several reports of paranormal activities inside the cottage. Visitors have reported feeling a cold breeze and hearing whispers in their ears. Some have even claimed to have been pushed or touched by an invisible force.

The Mystery of the Missing People

There have been several cases of people going missing after entering the cottage. The authorities have conducted extensive searches but have failed to find any trace of the missing individuals. Rumors suggest that the cottage may be cursed and those who enter it may never return.

Exploring Putri Duyung Cottage Angker

Despite its reputation, Putri Duyung Cottage Angker remains a popular tourist attraction. Visitors can take a guided tour of the property and learn about its haunted history. However, it is advised not to enter the cottage alone or after dark.

Tips for Visiting Putri Duyung Cottage Angker

If you plan on visiting Putri Duyung Cottage Angker, it is recommended to go with a group of friends or family. Avoid entering the cottage alone and do not stay there after dark. It is also advised to be respectful of the property and not to disturb any of the items inside.


Putri Duyung Cottage Angker remains a mystery to this day. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, the haunted history of this cottage is sure to send shivers down your spine. If you are brave enough, take a trip to this spooky destination and explore the mystery for yourself!

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